Countdown to the Games
19-24 June 2022

The best mood on Day 3: we do sports and party!

The photo shows the Athletes' Party right in front of Brandenburg Gate. People are having fun with their arms raised in joy.
Nationale Sommerspiele 2022, Berlin, 22.06.2022 Leichtathletik Weitsprung Maike Wilbois (740) Foto: LOC/camera4
Sarah Rauch/Sarah Rauch

The third day of competition at the National Games was marked by joyful cheering, fan chants and, of course, the dancing at the athletes' disco at Brandenburg Gate.

In kayaking, powerlifting and swimming, the last decisions were made today - and in the best weather. But also in all other sports there was a lot of action.

Even though every centimeter was fought for and everyone gave their best until the very last second, in the end all athletes were happy about the joined experience.

The photo shows a young man at the Brandenburg Gate, posing and looking at the camera. It looks like he is having a lot of fun.
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The photo shows an athlete doing deadlift. He is straining and screaming.
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The photo shows a scene in athletics. Students from the Inclusive Campus Spandau cheer on the athletes during their race. They participated in the "Fans in the Stands" program.
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The photo shows a sports official and an athlete embracing.
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The photo shows four cyclists posing with their medals and smiling happily into the camera after their race and the award ceremony.
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The photo shows five runners* competing. They are running and are cheered by numerous fans.
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The photo shows the Athletes' Party right in front of Brandenburg Gate. People are having fun with their arms raised in joy.
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There are some people smiling at the camera at the Athletes' Party during the Special Olympics National Games Berlin 2022.
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The highlight of the day was the popular athletes' disco right at the Brandenburg Gate in the evening. Athletes, volunteers, families and sports officials celebrated and danced to great music.

This evening will be remembered for a long time. Thanks to all for the unforgettable party!


Would you like more information about a specific athlete? Then have a look around in our database.



Today's results and the schedules of the upcoming days are available here.


Come by and support our athletes. They do a great job here and are happy about every support on the sidelines.

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#Berlin2022: First Impressions


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